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Life has gotten in the way but I am finally posting my final up-cycle from last week. For this one I used an old ponte knit pencil skirt that had shrunk into a mini skirt. I loved the thickness of the knit and I am always a sucker for a good stripe so I kept it around for something great. In the end I decided to make a winter hat for my son.

My son is 8 months, but he has an abnormally large head for his age so take that into account with sizing.

Here is my self drafted pattern with measurements so that you can draft your own if you want. I cut out two of the main fabric and two of a lining fabric - I used some fleece from my stash. I used my serger for this project so the entire thing is sewn with an approximate 1/4" seam allowance.

First sew your darts for the top of the hat. (Repeat for the lining.)

Now, with right sides together, sew the two sides of the hat together along the long top edge.

Repeat for the lining, but leave a large hole at the top of the hat (about 4 inches long) for turning.

Create braids that are 6 strands thick and about 5 inches long. Create two small pompoms and one large pompoms. Click here for a pompom tutorial.

Sew one edge of each braid to the right side bottom of the ear flaps with the braid pointing up.

Put the right sides together of the main and lining hats matching all edges. Sew the bottom edge all the way around. Turn right side out through hole in the lining.

Sew up the hole in the lining of the inside of the hat.

Edge stitch around the bottom of the hat at 3/8".

With a sewing needle, attach pompoms to the bottom of the braids and top of the hat.

That's it! I think I need to make some matching gloves now.