click here to meet the brynn caridgan! Our newest pattern.


"I, Kelli of True Bias blog sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear one sewn or upcycled item at least 5 days a week during the month of May 2013. I will take pictures of my outfits and post them all every Friday."

This week was a little tough because I was down with some kind of crazy sickness which pretty much means I just want to hang out in my pajamas all day and never leave the apartment. Or if I do leave the apartment just stick with leggings and a tshirt. As a result you will see one cheat day in the mix where I counted my daughter's me-made outfit as a legitimate wear for me. (you might see a few more of these cheat days popping up through the month :)

On a brighter note my son slept all of the way through the night last night. I am thinking it must be a fluke because my daughter never did that until she was 8 months and not consistently until a year. I guess tonight will be the real test. Cross your fingers for me :) This would be seriously life changing.

Images above : Day 1 - Black Blazer with Yellow Lining | Day 2 - Orange Middie Skirt | Day 3 - Floral Archer Button-up | Day 4 - Gingham Toddler Top | Day 5 - Black Maxi Dress and Polka Dot Scout Tee

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!