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Welcome back for the Day 2 of the Mave Skirt Sewalong. The following steps are for ruffled options only. For any ruffled options, begin here. If you're omitting the ruffles, you may skip to the optional lining instructions towards the end of this post or to the Day 3 - Waistband post.

With right sides touching, pin Ruffle 1 (pattern piece 3) pieces together at sides.

Stitch side seams. Finish seam allowances using your preferred method. Press seam allowances open or towards one side.

Starting and ending 1/4" from each side seam, baste the upper edge of Ruffle 1 at 5/8" seam allowance. (Leave a long thread tail and do not backstitch at either end.) Sew another line of basting stitches parallel to the first at 3/8" seam allowance.

Gather the upper edge of Ruffle 1 evenly along the basting stitches.

With right sides together, pin Ruffle 1 to lower edge of skirt, matching notches and side seams.

Stitch at 1/2" seam allowance, being careful not to catch the pockets in your line of stitching.

Finish seam allowances using preferred method. Press seam allowances up toward skirt and remove visible basting stitches.

Optional: Edgestitch lower edge of skirt close to the ruffle seam, making sure to catch all seam allowances in line of stitching. This step isn't necessary, but it does keep. the seam allowance pressed up and the seam line crisp.

If you are attaching a second ruffle just repeat everything you just did for first ruffle for the second one (pattern piece 4).

The following steps are for lining options only. If you are not attaching a lining, you are done for today.

With right sides touching, pin Skirt Lining pieces together at sides. Stitch side seams. Finish seam allowances in desired manner and press open or toward the back lining.

With wrong sides touching, place lining inside skirt, matching up center and side seams. Pin along top edge. Baste at 3/8" to secure.

That is it for today! Come back tomorrow and we will sew up the waistband.