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I hope that today is filled with love for your spouse, children, pets, family, friends, yourself, or whoever is important in your life. I used to think V day was pretty stupid and chessy, but lately I have decided to just embrace it. I think that the idea of setting aside one day a year to really focus on the idea of love is pretty awesome.

This year I made my husband and I matching t-shirts. I can't claim the idea. I made them with a bunch of friends who's husbands are in the same MBA program as mine. I love the idea that there are up to 10 other men walking around a serious graduate campus right now wearing I love (wife) t-shirts on.

One of my friends has a silhouette machine which made the process of freezer paper stenciling these shirts really easy and super professional looking. I am pretty sure we will be wearing these shirts every valentine's day and maybe anniversary for many years to come.

Here is a pic of some of my friends who made the shirts with me. It was fun to see everyone's when we met up at the library this morning. Wow, I look short with these girls.