Welcome back for day 2 of the Dani Sewalong. Today we do the majority of the sewing for Views C and D. If you are sewing Views A or B, skip this post and come back tomorrow.
With right sides touching, pin one front to its coordinating back at the inner leg seam. Stitch.

Finish seam allowances in your desired manner and press open or towards one side. Repeat for other leg.

Open up each leg along the inner seam. With right sides touching, lay one leg on top of the other, matching up the seams and notches. Pin along the crotch seam.

Stitch from one end to the other.

Finish seam allowances in your desired manner. Press open or towards one side.

With the front and back right sides touching, match up and pin along the side seams and pockets. Be extra careful that the dots and inseam pocket seamlines for the front and back line up. Pin generously.

Starting at the upper edge of the short / pant on one side, stitch down to the first dot, using the normal 1/2" seam allowance. Backstitch.

Start again at the second dot, backstitch and stitch down to the hem, using the normal 1/2" seam allowance. Note that this new stitch line is 1/8" in from the seam attaching the inseam pocket. This allows the pocket to stay hidden in the side of the shorts / pants.

Stitch around the outside edge of the pocket, starting at the top outside edge and ending at the side seam stitchline. Backstitch at both ends. Repeat steps 14 and 15 for other side / pocket.

Press pockets and seam allowances towards the front short / pant. Baste along the top edge at 3/8" to temporarily secure it in place.

With right sides touching, pin the waistband together at center back. Stitch center back seam. Trim seam allowances to 1/4" and press open.

With wrong sides touching, fold the waistband in half lengthwise, matching seams and notches. Press.

Starting at center back, stitch through all layers, 1/4" from the folded edge, all of the way around, ending at center back, and backstitching. This creates the small paperbag effect on the waistband.

Pin the waistband to the right side of the short / pant center back seams. Match notches with side seams and center front.

Stitch the waistband seam, leaving a 4" opening at center back, as pictured below.

Cut a length of elastic according to the elastic cut chart on page 2 of the pattern instructions. Attach a safety pin to one end and insert it through the waistband channel, making sure the elastic does not twist as you pull it through.

Overlap ends of elastic by about 1/2" and stitch to secure. (Note: It's a good idea to try on your short / pant to check the fit of the elastic before stitching.

Sew the opening closed in the waistband seam, stretching slightly so the fabric lies flat as you sew.

Finish seam allowances in your desired manner and press down towards short / pant.

Evenly distribute gathers around the waistband. Press and pin to keep the gathers in place. If you havn't done so already, mark the stitch lines on the outside of the waistband.

With an elongated stretch stitch, start at center back and stitch through all layers along the two lower stitch lines, stretching the waistband flat as you go, and ending at center back. Backstitch at both ends.

That is all for today. The next couple of days will be dedicated to Views A and B. For views C and D, come back on Friday where we will hem and cuff your Dani.