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It's the last day of the sewalong and it's just going to be a quick post about the ruffle and hemming your Roscoe blouse or dress. You are so close to being done.

Step 26 is for View A (blouse) only. If you are doing View B or C then skip to Step 27.

Step 26 - Finish the hem of your blouse by turning up the bottom raw edge by 1/4” with wrong sides together. Press.

Turn it up again another 1/4”. Press and pin.

Edgestitch along the entire folded edge to secure the hem, backstitching at both ends.

Congrats! You are finished with your blouse!

Now to finish up Views B and C.

Step 27 - Take your two ruffle pieces and line them up with right sides together. Pin the short ends together on both sides. Stitch at normal 1/2” seam allowance, and finish seam allowances in desired manner (I used a french seam). Press seam allowances open or towards the back panel depending on your finishing method. You should now have a tube of sorts like the one below.

Step 28 - Gather the top, notched edge of the ruffle by sewing two rows of basting stitches, one at a scant 1/2” and the other at 3/8”, from the raw edge. Sew two rows on the front panel and two rows on the back panel separately, starting and stopping just outside of each side seam. Do not backstitch on any of the basting stitches.

This is what it looks like at the side seams.

Step 29 - Gather up the basting stitches and evenly distribute the ruching. Pin the gathered edge of the ruffle to the bottom raw edge of the blouse portion of your dress, right sides together (or wrong sides together first if you are doing french seams), matching notches and side seams. Pin. I find it easiest to control the ruching if I give it a good press before stitching.


Step 30 - Finish the seam allowance in your desired manner (I used a french seam). Press the ruffle down and away from the rest of the dress, and the seam allowance up and away from the ruffle.

On the right side of your dress, topstitch 1/8” above the seam where the ruffle and blouse portions connect, catching the seam allowance underneath.

Step 31 - Finish the hem of your dress by pressing the raw edge up towards the wrong side of your garment by 1/4”.

Turn it up again by 1/4” . Pin and press.

Edgestich along this folded line to secure.

All finished!

Congrats and I hope you love your blouse or dress. I havn't had a chance to take photos of my makes for the sewalong yet, but will post them on Monday. Can't wait to see yours. Be sure to tag them with #roscoeblouse or #roscoedress so that I can have a look.