Welcome back for day 3 of the Marlo Sweater Sewalong.
There are two methods for attaching the neckband. Option 1 is the beginner method and best for fabrics that are thick or tend to unravel. Option 2 is the intermediate method. It has a cleaner finish on the inside of your sweater and works best if your fabric is thinner and presses well. We will be going over both methods in the sewalong.
With right sides touching, fold bottom edge of Neck Band in half lengthwise, and pin.

Serge or sew bottom edge at 3/8" seam allowance with a stretch stitch or straight stitch.

Trim seam allowance and turn bottom edge of Neck Band right side out. Press carefully to create a nice, sharp right angle.

With right sides touching, pin the folded Neck Band to the opening edge of the sweater, aligning raw edges. (Note: The side of the Neck Band with the interfacing should be against the right side of the sweater).
Stretch the Neck Band to fit between the double notches at center back and the single notch at the shoulder seams. Stretch slightly as you match the notch at the top of the curve at center front. There is no need to stretch the Neck Band between the center front curve notch ant the bottom edge. The bottom of the neckband should be flush with the bottom of the waistband. Pin generously to hold the Neck Band in place.

Serge or sew the Neck Band seam in a 3/8" seam allowance with a stretch stitch. Finish the seam allowance in your desired manner, if necessary.

Press the seam allowance toward the sweater.

On the front of your sweater, topstitch the sweater close to Neck Band seam to secure seam allowances, as pictured.

Open up the pressed Neck Band. On the side without interfacing, turn the long edge in by 3/8" as pictured.

With right sides touching, pin the unfolded side of the Neck Band to the sweater along neckline, carefully matching notches. The bottom edge of the Neck Band should extend past the bottom of the waistband by 3/8".
Stretch the Neck Band to fit between the double notches at center back and the single notch at the shoulder seams. Stretch slightly as you match the notch at the top of the curve at center front. There is no need to stretch the Neck Band between the center front curve notch and bottom edge. Pin generously to hold the Neck Band in place.

Serge or sew Neck Band seam in a 3/8" seam allowance with a stretch stitch. Finish the seam allowance in your desired manner, if necessary.

Press seam allowances toward Neck Band.

With right sides touching, fold the lower edge of the Neck Band in half, placing turned-in edge just slightly over the seamline, as pictured. Pin in place.

Stitch across the lower edge of the Neck Band at 3/8" seam allowance, being careful to place your line of stitching just below the edge of your waistband. Repeat for other lower edge of Neck Band.

Trim edges to reduce bulk. Turn Neck Band right side out.

Following the original press line, turn the Neck Band toward the inside of the sweater, placing the inner folded edge just over the seamline. Place pins on the outside of the Neck Band all the way around to secure, as pictured.

To secure, on the outside, edgestitch the Neck Band 1/8" inside the seamline, catching the folded edge of the Neck Band facing underneath.

That's it for today. We are so close! Tomorrow we will attach the cuffs and the buttons / buttonholes. Can't wait.