How to Turn a Skinny Fabric Tube - 2 Ways

The Lora Dress has 12 loop buttons down the center front as its closure. I love this detail, but also know that it may be a new sewing technique for many. To help, I am going to share two ways to turn those skinny fabric tubes to get those small delicate loops that look so professional.

No matter what technique you use, you are going to want to start by cutting out pattern piece 5 on the bias. You will need to cut two of them. By cutting the loops on the bias, your loops will curve around your buttons nicely and give you a better end result.

Next, fold each piece of fabric in half lengthwise, right sides touching, and sew 3/16" from the folded edge (or 1/2" from the raw edges). 

I have found that 3/16" is the perfect balance for a nice thin loop, but not too hard to turn. If your fabric is harder to work with you can sew at 1/4" from the folded edge, but I wouldn't go wider than that.

 Once sewn, trim the seam allowances down to about 1/16".



The first method I am going to share is how to use a loop turner to turn your loop. If you a sew a lot, I highly recommend buying a loop turner. It's not very expensive and I use mine all of the time.

Start by making a small clip in one side of the tube near the end (about 3/8" from the end).

With the bottom lever of the loop turner open, insert the turner into your fabric tube.

The hook will end around the top of the tube and the lever goes into the snip you made previously. When you pull back slightly on the loop turner the lever should close up, so it's clasping the end of your tube.

Pull the end back into the tube by pulling on your loop turner with one hand and holding the top of the fabric with the other. The first part is the hardest. Once you get the first section through it should pull through pretty easily.



If you don't have a loop turner you can use a hand sewing needle to turn your skinny loop. I find this method a bit trickier, but it's definitely doable and gets easier with practice.

Start by get some strong thread (topstitching thread is a great choice) and double it up a few times so its strong enough to not snap when pulled on.

Attach the end of the thread to one end of the fabric tube. Make sure you don't go through both layers of the tube or you will close the end and you won't be able to get back into it to turn it right side out.

Carefully snake the needle back through the tube, eye end first.

Once through, use the needle and thread to pull the rest of the tube right side out. The first section is always the hardest. Once you get past that it should pull through somewhat easily.

And that is it. No matter what method you use you are going to want to press it at this point and then cut it into the twelve individual loops.

There are other methods for turning skinny tubes of fabric out there that you can research too. These are just the two that I prefer. I hope it was helpful.


Note : This post includes at least one affiliated link. I only link to items I own, use, and honestly recommend.