I am always looking for new baby gifts to make up for friends and family. I've recently had a bunch of friends have babies so I decided to batch sew up a bunch at the same time to send out. I'm dying over how cute these turned out and am now on the lookout of for cute, organic knits to have on hand for this very purpose. You can find the fabrics that I used
, and

I made up two different quick little knit patterns that are great stash busters. I think that the two together is a perfect baby gift that is modern, thoughtful, and easily gender neutral. I made the
harem romper by Brindille and Twig. It's such a cute and easy little pattern. I sewed it up just as instructed except that I took a small wedge out of the center front neckline because I noticed that it set a little wide in a lot of the photos that I saw. But that is just a personal preference. I made the whole thing on my serger and each one took maybe 20 minutes.

The most difficult part was adding the snaps, but luckily I finally got around the buying the
snap setter and a bunch of size 16 snaps. It's so much easier than the nightmare snap tool I had bought and chucked years ago.

I also made up the rabbit ear teethers which is a
free pattern from See Kate Sew. It's a really simple sew and pretty darn cute. The fabric was all scraps from the romper and I bought the wooden rings through
etsy here.

That's it. Love how these turned out and can't wait to see all of the little babies in them.