I've been putting off ordering custom labels for my projects for awhile now. For one thing they are just expensive, and because you have to order so many at once I wanted to be certain about my logo and branding before I did it. I also know that labels can sometimes be annoying and itchy so I wasn't completely sure that I wanted to invest the money in them. But then I was swayed by how awesome it feels to sew a label on the back of a garment and having the satisfaction of calling it your own, so I finally decided to go ahead and order some.

Besides the fact of just enjoying the satisfaction of putting a label on something I make, there have been a couple of other things I have liked about having them. First of all, I make a lot of gifts. Having the label on the handmade item, like the bag I made above, just makes it feel a little more legitimate and boutique quality for some weird reason.
The other thing I like about the labels is that my children require them. Especially my five year old who now dresses herself. She has a hard time decifering the front from the back of most items so she always needs the tag. In the past I've just used a ribbon, but now I have cool labels to use which has been great.

Before committing to ordering the labels I looked at a few different options. I thought that some of you might be thinking about getting labels for yourself so I've compiled a list of sources that I found and some different options for you.
World Wide Label - This is the company that I used for my labels. Their prices seemed competitive and their customer service was great. We emailed back and forth until it was perfect which I really appreciated. They were very patient. I also loved that they have an active
blog where they post all of the labels from the week. It helped me keep track of my order and it was a great place for me to look for ideas for my own labels. I have nothing but great things to say about the experience.
Clothing Labels 4 U - I have also known of a few bloggers using this company for their labels. It seems pretty competitive with Worldwide Label. I've especially heard good things about their satin printed labels which are a more cost effective option.
Handstamped - Erica of Crafty Blossom put together a great tutorial on how to use a custom hand stamp on twill tape and then adhering it to your item with Heat n Bond. I am assuming this would work best on something like a quilt that doesn't have repeated washings.
Iron on Transfer - Freya of Bug and Bird put together this tutorial where she prints her logo on iron on transfer paper and then adheres it to ribbon. I would be interested to know how they hold up to washings though.
Photo Fabric - Raechel of of RaechelMeyers.com shared this tutorial for using photo fabric that you print and then use fray check on the secure the raw edges. I had never heard of photo fabric before so I am intrigued.
I hope that helps. Let me know if you have any questions.