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Fabric & Notions for the Aster

We are so glad that you are loving the Aster Top and Dress pattern so much. Today we want to go over all things fabric and notions so you are able to choose the correct items to make your own version.


The Aster calls for medium weight woven fabrics such as rayon, linen or cotton. Any of these fabrics, blends of the above, or similar, can work for the Aster. Personally, I loved fabrics with a bit of structure to show off the boxy nature of the pattern. Also fabrics that press well (think natural fibers). I would avoid fabrics with a loose weave as it will make it hard to get good corners at the straps without unraveling.

Cotton / Linen or Similar

The Aster really shines in a woven fabric with a bit of structure like linen or cotton. There is a lot pressing - especially around the straps so something that presses well like these fabrics is ideal. It really shows off the style lines in these fabrics. 

All three of the fabrics we used for our photo samples were from Blackbird Fabrics. The green and ivory were everyday linen and the white was a linen / rayon blend that I bought a long time ago.

Rayon or Similar

You can also use rayons for the Aster. I recommend using more structured rayons like rayon blends for this pattern. I would also consider adding extra interfacing for added structure at the facing by completely fusing the facing pieces instead of just fusing the corners.

Lining Fabric (Optional)

You can add a full lining to your Aster if you want to. It's a great way to hide all of those seams. If you do line your top or dress you will want to use a light weight woven fabric. My favorites are cotton voile or cotton lawn, but you can use other traditional lining fabrics like rayon bemberg too.


You will need some interfacing for this project to stabilize the button band and the corners around the straps. If you fabric has a looser weave I do recommend getting bit of extra interfacing to interface the entire facing.

I personally prefer a nice woven fusible interfacing, but any fusible will do.


3/4" Buttons

One of my favorite details on the Aster is the button back. The top needs three 3/4" buttons and the dress needs eight. We have button packs in our shop that are perfect for the Aster, but any 3/4" buttons will do. I do recommend keep your buttons relatively flat for the dress view since you will be sitting on them.



Coordinating Thread

Perhaps this is a given, but you will want a nice all purpose thread that matches your fabric. 

And that is it. I hope this answered some of your questions and helps you feel prepared to purchase your own fabric and notions for the Aster pattern.